Saturday, February 29, 2020

My Father's Suitcase by orhan pamuk Research Paper

My Father's Suitcase by orhan pamuk - Research Paper Example His father said, â€Å"Just take a look,† slightly embarrassed. â€Å"See if there’s anything in there that you can use. Maybe after I’m gone you can make a selection and publish it† (Pamuk). At that time, Pamuk did not understand the gravity of the situation because he never understood that his father meant death. His story however unfolds as he opens the suitcase to find excellent pieces of writing and literature, something that made him think about his father from a different perspective altogether, something that made him the great writer and man that he is today. Pamuk talks about the characteristics of a writer by incorporating the way his father was; by reading the letters and papers that his father had left behind for him, he forms a different worldview about him. He begins to understand that his father did not take up his writing in order to help the family live a substantial life because his grandfather had been a wealthy businessman and thus Pamuk’s father did not want to disappoint the family by becoming a writer and taking the risk of not being able to earn enough money. He thus kept this personality of his a secret from the rest of the world, and was too scared to display it before he was gone. He was perhaps embarrassed because of the fact that he would have turned out to be a wonderful writer and that he would later feel regret in his life for not having taken up that path when he had the chance. He thus opted for the path of least resistance, the path where he showed his son what kind of a man he actually was, what his inh erent personality revealed about him, and how he could make a difference in his son’s life by showing him all of that. Pamuk writes, â€Å"The lovely Turkish expression â€Å"to dig a well with a needle† seems to me to have been invented with writers in mind. In the old stories, I love the patience of Ferhat, who digs through mountains for his love – and I

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Admin Law Question 1 + 2 (750-750 words) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Admin Law Question 1 + 2 (750-750 words) - Essay Example By s1 of the 1967 Act he is appointed by the Queen on the advice of the PM and holds office until the age of 65. Especially in relation to JR, the procedural requirements of public law element, leave, locus standi, time limits and grounds often deny speedy redress to the applicant. Matters such as delay, incompetence, stupidity, loss of documents, rudeness etc cannot be the subject to the JR. But, these fall within PCA’s jurisdiction. Disadvantage: the MPs check the legitimacy of complaints and it is called MP Filter. If a MP is the main culprit, claimants never get redress. In this sense MP enjoy more power. At the same time each year lots of letter of complain arises which not possible to review for an ombudsman. The most important factor to mention is the ombudsman will not investigate complaints where an alternate remedy exists. Ombudsmans powers of investigation are limited, for example-maladministration. 3) The PCA has had an impact on certain more High profile cases such as ‘Sachsendhausen’ case where the PCA found maladministration in distributing compensation. A recent example is the ‘Barlow Clowes Affair’. Jurisdiction: The 1967 Act should be amended to provide that the PCA could investigate all complaints other than those relating to matters specifically excluded. However, the govt. rejected this proposal. However MPs have some great advantages as redressers of grievances. Their services are free and easily accessible; many MPs take great pains to advertise their surgery times and other means of contract in the local media. Most are assiduous in taking up grievances, and often the mere fact of receiving a letter from an MP, rather than from an ordinary citizen, will induce the authority to give a favorable response. Further, the Mp’s services are equally useful whether the constituent is asking for the correction of an error or the more favorable exercise of discretion, where no legal